Thursday 12 May 2016



What is HTML?

Before we get into anything else let’s first go over what HTML is. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. This is the basic format for the scripting language that is used to construct the Web. The latest version of HTML (HTML 4.01) was developed by WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group). They are now working on a revised version called HTML5 which focuses on the needs of application developers along with resolving issues found in the previous versions of HTML. Here is an example of what the current HTML code would look like if you were adding an image.
<img src="image_name.jpg" width="251" height="143" />

Xara CSS styling

HTML Editor

You can easily edit HTML files using a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor like FrontPage, Dream Weaver , Claris Home Page, or Adobe PageMill instead of writing your markup tags in a plain text file.
You can still edit your product descriptions, ect from a simple interface similar to a regular word editor.


HTML uses six levels of “heading level” tag pairs; the smaller the heading level number, the larger is the print size:
·         <H1>heading</H1>: creates heading level #1 (24 point type—largest)
·         <H2>heading</H2>: creates heading level #2 (18 point type)
·         <H3>heading</H3>: creates heading level #3 (14 point type)
·         <H4>heading</H4>: creates heading level #4 (12 point type)
·         <H5>heading</H5>: creates heading level #5 (10 point type)
·         <H6>heading</H6>: creates heading level #6 (8 point type—smallest)
A line space automatically is inserted before and after a heading (that is, an entire line is skipped between a heading and any text before and after it).

Other Scripts

The <H#> tag may contain within it an alignment parameter (recognized by most browsers) as part of the command:
·         <H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Heading Alignment</H1>
·         <HR WIDTH="36%" SIZE="5" NOSHADE="NOSHADE">
·         <H1 ALIGN="LEFT">Heading Level #1</H1>
·         <H2 ALIGN="CENTER">Heading Level #2</H2>
·         <H3 ALIGN="RIGHT">Heading Level #3</H3>
·         <H4 ALIGN="LEFT">Heading Level #4</H4>
·         <H5 ALIGN="CENTER">Heading Level #5</H5>
·         <H6 ALIGN="RIGHT">Heading Level #6</H6>

Would appear properly centered, left justified, and right justified on a browser like this:

    Heading Alignment

Heading Level #1
Heading Level #2
Heading Level #3
Heading Level #4
Heading Level #5
Heading Level #6

You can also learn how to develop basic html by click the link below


This title is a final note that I 've shared with all . In this class I learned something new that is the basic way to make a web . Briefly, my expectation of the class was to learn enough coding skills to create a website, as well as learn how to better communicate with developers – and I think this was accomplished. In addition to learning basic coding skills (HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript), I gained knowledge about how to actually setup a website. I never heard of MAMP, GitHub or CyberDuck before this class, so learning these applications was tremendously helpful. I had some WordPress experience prior to class, but now I feel much more comfortable with the Admin and Codex. I also learned that taking a class like this is going to be very frustrating at times, but I’m happy that I’m coming out of it with better problem-solving or troubleshooting skills.

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